Join us for an amazing Summer Day Camp experience!

Animal Camp is Over for 2023

English / Español

Our first Animal Camp was an amazing success! Both sessions sold out and the campers who participated were awesome.

We learned about, met, and interacted with all sorts of animals: dogs and cats, of course, but also horses, pigs, chickens, goats, lizards, snakes, and turtles. Our campers also learned about animals who are different: Rex, the three legged dog, Stevie, the dog with no eyes, and Toshi, who is afraid of people (but who rides a scooter!)

It was fun all day everyday, but there was a lot of education, too. Our veterinarian performed surgery on a big stuffed dog with plushie organs, we learned about Dog Bite Prevention, how to avoid interactions with the wild animals that share our desert home, we visited a ranch that rescues farm animals and played with pigs, goats, and chickens, and so much more.

I hope your camper will join us for our next Animal Camps. We’ll post the dates here and send out a PeachJar flyer to all local school children and their parents.

Check Back for Animal Camp Dates for 2024